so i've been sick all weekend. on mon i thought that i should try to get out of the house for at least a little bit and i figured seeing a movie would be all right. WRONG! i felt like shit through the entire movie and almost passed out when i got home. yuck. but back to the movie... i'm disappointed. i used to REALLY look forward to will farrell movies. it pretty much used to be a given that if he was in it it would be funny. but lately not so much. while i was entertained it was kinda boring. i didn't laugh out loud once. i think i might have even looked at my watch a time or two. the story line had so much potential too! it just felt like they were trying really hard. i hate to say this, but i feel like will farrell is always doing the same thing in every movie. he plays the same character. i used to love that character. either i'm getting old and i don't think this shit is funny anymore or his shtick is the one getting old. long story short, rent it. but even if you don't, you're not missing much.
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